Pre Operative Instructions

General Instructions

The following instructions may be helpful when preparing for your upcoming surgery. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any last minute questions. More specific pre and post operative instructions can be downloaded in the forms section of our website.

If you are having Intravenous (IV) Surgery please refer to the list below:

  • You may not have anything to eat or drink (including water) for eight (8) hours prior to the appointment. A small amount of water is permissible in order to take medications if needed.
  • No smoking at least 12 hours before surgery. Ideally, cut down or stop smoking as soon as possible prior to the day of surgery.
  • A responsible adult must be available to accompany the patient to the office, drive the patient home, and stay with the patient for at least 4 hours following the procedure..
  • The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours following the sedation.
  • Please wear loose fitting clothing with sleeves which can be rolled up past the elbow, and low-heeled shoes.
  • Contact lenses, jewelry, and dentures must be removed at the time of surgery.

If you take oral medications, please check with Dr. Peterson prior to your surgical date for instructions.

You may be asked to pick up some prescriptions prior to the procedure. Often, your escort will be asked to pick up prescriptions during your procedure. At times, the need for certain prescriptions will not be known until during the procedure and picking up prescriptions may be needed following the procedure.

It may be important to stop taking Aspirin and non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications such as Motrin and Advil, 7-10 days prior to your surgery. If you are taking Coumadin or another blood thinner, remember to discontinue them as directed by your physician. If you take antibiotic pre-medication, please take it as directed before your surgery.

You may bring your iPod or MP3 player with you if you would like.

In order to evaluate your progress and healing, we will typically see you for post-operative checks at 2 and 6 weeks following surgery. In pocket reduction surgery cases, we will also look forward to seeing you back for a periodontal maintenance cleaning and an examination of tissue maturation about 6-12 weeks following the surgery. If bone grafting was used to fill bone defects, this will be evaluated during your maintenance appointment after at least 6 months of healing.


Please alert the office to any allergies or sensitivities that you might have to antibiotics. You will be prescribed an antibiotic if our doctor determines it to be necessary.

Food Suggestions

When preparing a post-op menu, please consider some of the following choices:

  • Jell-O
  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
  • Pasta
  • Milk Shakes
  • Casseroles
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Ensure/Slim Fast
  • Soups
  • Pudding
  • Rice
  • Apple Sauce
  • Oatmeal
  • Macaroni & Cheese
  • Mashed Potatoes

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 877-586-3040.